Sunday 30 August 2020

Ganesh Chaturthi Just After a Personal Loss!!

See the source image 

It so happened that I was in Ranchi this Ganesh Chaturthi.

Festive air was all around!! We had all welcomed Lord Ganesha with pomp and show.
And then there was a WhatsApp status of a colony friend of her sombre Ganesh Chaturthi celebration images. 

The beginning of buzzing and speculations !!

Now the latest topic of discussion in our colony circle became that particular WhatsApp status. The matter of discussion was: How could anyone celebrate a festival within some months of loss of a loved one?

The Unfortunate Event 

Actually, the friend, unfortunately, had lost her father a few months back due to cardiac arrest.No doubt, all colony members kept aside the Corona fear and tried to support the grieving family in all possible ways. Once the services began to open after the lockdown sequence, then most of the colony people became engaged in their day to day routine. The friend's family, consisting of the friend, her mother, and younger brother, were now mostly on their own. Most of us now tried to keep in touch with her through the phone generally.
The day to day increasing cases of Corona also kept all the acquaints away. 
Somewhere the incident was now becoming a lost one. All at once, the recent status suddenly brought her fresh into our conversation with her celebration in spite of the loss of her father.

The Flashback...

Earlier, we all know that my friend's family celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi with lots of enthusiasm for all ten days. Not only that, but they also used to hold Bhandara on the day of Ganesh Visarjan. All the people of the colony and their known were invited to attend. Actually, we looked forward to it.
                                                    See the source image

Contrary to their earlier magnitude of celebration, this Ganesh Chaturthi, when we were expecting only mourning and grief, there was this humble celebration of Ganesh sthapana and puja. So why this hue and cry on this simple celebration?

Let's stop judging !!

We generally as a society assume that there should be total griefing to portray the pain of the dear departed soul. Is it really so? There were no bright lights, nor the usual music system. It was only a small idol of Lord Ganesha and a slight smile on the face. We never know how much strength it takes to project a smile when your dear one is not beside you and now onwards will never be! 

Other side Perspective 
The family might be actually trying to remember the lost loved one by this simple gesture of continuing the custom which was initiated by him. Imagine the deep void during the Arti of the family when the beloved husband and father is not there!! Abyss in their lives but still, they are trying to pay their tribute through the continuation of the ritual which he had once started in the happy times. We can never understand the reason or pain until we are in the same boat, so it will really be great when we all will strive at least a bit to connect to the feelings of others within our capabilities instead of assuming things. Let's all together make this place a little more beautiful by giving emotionally our 100 per cent, when already we are giving our 99 percent!!

Seema Pandey

Thursday 13 August 2020

Lockdown Diaries:When I Finally Enrolled to My Writing Classes !!

Lockdown Diaries:When I Finally Got Enrolled To The Content Writing Class !


Yay!! I’m finally able to persuade my husband to credit some money in my depleting bank account.(It has actually drained due to pay-cuts ..another lockdown effect) 

YES “CLICK”, Google pay button pressed and I’ve made successful transactions to become a student once again !! (Gpay is the one thing learned recently by me...extremely helpful if you have enough cash in your account)

The countdown begins as tomorrow is Day 1 of My Content Writing class.I sleep dreaming to be writing an Arnab Goswami who writes very well ...yeah,I know he actually mostly debates verbally very well !! 

DAY1: Yes, it’s 8;30 p.m.I’m on Social meeting site with my mentor.I get to know about types of content writing. Introduction and many interesting tips which I was unaware of. I was totally feeling like an ignoramus when I came to know what is copywriting exactly and its significance. Till today I supposed it to be just typing or data handling !! What a fool of me !!

Well as all pleasant times take a break, the class was over with an assignment to be completed by the next evening when we meet again for the class .i.e.Day2.

Yes, an assignment that I received after a long time because earlier I was always only giving it as a teacher.I was super excited and looking forward to completing it.I again went to sleep with the contentment of getting a step closer to my passion and planning to work on my assignment.

NEXT MORNING: Positive ! I will complete my work as I have planned my routine for today to get enough time to free my self for assignment.
 Already done all the utensils last night to reduce kitchen work. Who knows the maid may be late! 

Mother O Mother !!

Early morning my mother calls me as I”m sipping my tea. She immediately barged -" Shreyash(my son) was telling me that you are not giving them those ladoos .Didn't I ask you to prepare our traditional sonth,daalchini,alsi laddu, and to give to them? You youngsters can do nothing else than just taking short cuts in life !!”

 The complain song continued...with the warning not to blame her if the immunity of everyone weakens. She wants the images of the laddu till 11 am else she will team up with my M-I-Law and continue with the complaint ranting. Well, keep all work aside and add on a recipe of laddu along with that daily kadha. These are more important than YOUR assignment !!

Patriarchy (Yes!!)

Why has the maid not yet shown up? I finally call her to know the reason. Back comes the reply that the Main gate Gaurd at the Entry of Factory colony denied permission to her to stop the spread of “Corona”.Yes, I stay in an official campus. On inquiring more, I came to know that all household helpers were prohibited entry until further notice !! As far as I know, all the casuals in the office are also coming after the lockdown and many were called during it too !! Only help at home can be a carrier? Are the casuals, workers immune to it? At the office, you don't want to manage without help but at home, you expect the woman to prove herself a super one !! Isn’t it an excellent example of a Patriarchal society? But who cares !! Many more dilemmas of poor Miss and Mrs, maybe next time !! 

Lockdown Guests !!

Local relatives who have a marriage in the family have come to a nearby market for that pending shopping.No place nearby safe for refreshment so luckily for them and guiltily I accept unluckily for me ...they remembered me !! So here I’m serving them from the afternoon to nearly evening with my assignments at the back of my mind.

Evening again !!

 I quickly throw my self to my assignment you think I have any imagination left with such a reality? Yes, this is my today. I have my duties, my dilemmas, and grudges. Very similarly innumerable people are too juggling with their duties and their passions.

But still now this short duration, the evening is there ..........I” ll make this mine and you too find out that short personal moment of yours !!

Seema Pandey